The annual conference is a valued means of our being connected to each other and coming to know each other at greater depth.
It serves as the principal way we share in an experience which is both spiritual and formative. To register click here
The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are a centuries-old process that grew out of the personal spiritual experiences of Íñigo López de Loyola and his reflection on the spiritual conversations he had with men and women of his time. Ignatius developed a dynamic pattern of prayer exercises that invited those who made them to encounter profoundly Jesus Christ, to be deeply converted and to live their daily lives with a renewed sense of mission.
The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are a highly effective instrument by which God acts to bring about radical spiritual and personal transformation in our time and culture. The ministry of giving the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to modern men and women calls for the highest standards of formation, practice and accountability. Companions gratefully acknowledges that, through God’s providence, more and more men and women in the Church are being called to this ministry.
Given the significance of the Exercises for the contemporary Church, the Companions in the Ministry of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises ( Companions ) has been formed to provide those engaged in giving the Spiritual Exercises the opportunity to enhance their understanding and practice of Ignatian spirituality. Companions is a national professional association of givers of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises who are committed to the highest standards of formation, ethical practice and accountability.