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About Us

Companions is a professional association in Australasia of Givers of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius; however, deeper than the formal structure, we are first and foremost members of community, bound together through a commitment to ministry and to the support of each other.

Disclaimer: Companions has strong links with the Society of Jesus but is itself an independent entity.

Mission & Vision

The mission of Companions is to provide a professional association for those engaged in the ministry of giving spiritual direction in the Ignatian tradition and giving the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Australia and New Zealand.


The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are a centuries-old process that grew out of the personal spiritual experiences of inigo Lopez de Loyola and his reflection on the spiritual conversations he had with men and women of his time. Ignatius developed a dynamic pattern of prayer exercises…


Members of our community are from New Zealand, Asia and across all the states of Australia.

Although pathways may be varied, all have been formed as givers of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius and are active in ministry pertaining to Ignatian spirituality.

–  Membership Requirements
–  How To Become a Member

The Companions Committee Members